Once you have acquired assets (this includes your business and real estate) especially those that are producing sufficient passive income, you should look to trusts and insurance combos to protect all of your hard work. Don’t let yourself be an easy target for a lawsuit. Ideally, you want to control your assets but not own…


There is so much more to investing than the just stock market, annuities, and IRA’s. Your certified financial planner (CFP) only can offer you certain approved products that have been approved by the company they work for. This leaves many options, including great real estate investments out of your portfolio, especially investments that don’t give…


Minimize the taxes you are paying out every year and keep as much money as you can using the tax code. As an employee, you have very little control over what you can deduct from your personal taxes. And there are some deductions that actually go away if you earn above a certain amount of…


First, is the SMART mindset. Be open to examining your beliefs and paradigms that keep you from making more money and taking advantage of what the rich know. The more you are willing to challenge yourself and your thoughts, the faster and wealthier you will become. So, with that being said, ask yourself what will…